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Grocery Tours

Become a Skilled Shopper ~ Learn to make better choices at the grocery store!

  • 1 h
  • 100 Canadian dollars
  • Supermarket

Service Description

Learning about what foods to choose to eat healthy in an office isn’t nearly as effective as showing examples. Become a smart and savvy shopper by booking a grocery store tour today! During this interactive and fun tour you will learn how to read food labels and make the best food choices for you and your family By the end of the Grocery Store Tour, you can expect to: Know how to read a nutrition label 101 Learn some key words that you’re looking for on a nutrition label Learn how to shop on a budget and get the most value for your money Get tips on avoiding purchasing unnecessary junk food Be able to good food sources of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins Receive a free SMART Grocery List Template to use Get a free guide to planning your menu for the week SIGN ME UP!

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